11-9-2024. Hi, I want to update you about what is happening in my ministry. The ministry is growing and reaching people from abroad thru social media. Really socail media is vitally important in reaching people. Practical evangelism will play an important part in Landerous Meredith Ministries. God has spoken and I have answered the call to evangelize and do the work of an evangelist. 2Tim 4:5, says "But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions do the work of an envangelist fulfill thy ministry." Fulfilling God's mandate is important in my life. As time go by I realize how God want this ministry to reach out and win as many people for the Kingdom of God. I am excited and expecting to see more of God's miracle working power in field. The harvest is great but the laborers are few. Together we can reach and reap the harvest for Christ.Thank you so much for praying and supporting this ministry.